Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Life’s Little (and sometimes BIG) Detours

The last month has been quite the ride!  Little Bee started school, I decided to give my small business idea a try, I am taking an amazing course in Reflexology and I have just accepted a new position with my employer.  Wow!  This much change in such a short time would have knocked me right off my equilibrium before.  Not now!  I’m not saying that there aren’t moments when I begin to feel a bit overwhelmed…because I do.  However, I am aware when it happens and when I begin to feel any anxiety around all of the changes I try to become an observer.  I listen to the thoughts that surface and then respond like a supportive friend.

In the past I have given too much attention to the negative thoughts that tend to come up around doing anything new…it won’t work, no one will be interested, I don’t know what I’m doing…and on the list would go.  It has taken some really hard work to dig myself out of that line of thinking and into a more positive and active space…just give it a shot, put it out there (in the Universe) and be ready to receive the feedback, this is a good idea. 

This shift has allowed me to actually enjoy the little (and sometimes BIG) detours that life offers.  I don’t get all worked up when my vision of how things might play out ends up looking different.  I am able to accept the way the present unfolds but still enjoy imagining the possibilities going forward.  I have released so much of the resistance I held before and can physically feel myself flow more easily with life.  As an example, I have noticed recently that driving my car is much easier.  When I turn the wheel or push the gas the car moves so nicely.  I don’t feel like I have to put as much effort into making it go where I’d like.  It’s like we’re in sync!

The best news is that if I can do this anyone can J.  The effort is nothing compared to all of the positive outcomes, I promise!

With love,
Keri Tea

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Several months ago someone told me that I get to create my life. Those words had an immediate and lasting affect on me. For a long time I felt like I had to do certain things. It was a false belief. Once I began to open myself up to other possibilities life started to flow again. It has been incredibly empowering to truly accept and be in my power. I am now able to identify with ease the things I can change and have made a conscious choice to focus on those, rather than getting stuck on the stuff that simply is. It has shifted so many things for me. Before I would look to others far more to guide my choices and it didn't work so well. It was time to start making the choices that only I was equipped to make. I'm so glad that I did, and I've started to really love my decisions! At first it feels quite foreign but just know that if you push through the discomfort the magic will begin to happen...

With Love,
Keri Tea

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What To Do List?

I have always had a weird relationship with work.  I've had a job since I was in high school and before that I babysat for a number of years.  For as long as I can remember I have made my own money.  I've never been driven by my work, in other words I had not found anything that I was passionate about and brave enough to pursue...until now!

As a single mom I was faced with a very intense reality check.  In order to live the lifestyle that I desire it's going to take some real dedication and elbow grease to get there.  I have never felt more ready for the challenge.

I just finished the first day of the reflexology training I am doing this fall.  I have found my passion!  It's the perfect fit for me.  Reflexology targets specific pressure points in the feet and hands that support the body's natural ability to heal and settle in a state of homeostasis.  I have the opportunity to meet and support people on their journey back to health.  I am learning about the incredible "machine" that is the body.  It truly is a phenomenal creation.  It's complexity is just beautiful.  I am reminded once again of all the reasons to take the very best care of it one can.

As I pursue my passion I need to find a way to support myself and Little Bee.  So I am in the process of opening my own small business called, What To Do List?  I think of it as a boutique home services company that allows the client to tailor the services to their needs.  Please have a look at my facebook page for more information.  Save my number in your phone (905.717.8532) and call me whenever you can use an extra set of hands!

With Love,
Keri Tea

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

DIY Bridal Shower Gift

My cousin Jenn is getting married in a week and this Sunday is her bridal shower.  She lives in England with her very-tall-dark-and-handsome almost hubby with a lovely Brit accent (why does everything sound better with an accent, especially a British one?).  They have decided to get married in Toronto and I can't wait!  I wanted to put a little extra love into her gift because I love her, so I turned to the no fail online reference for a DIY gift otherwise known as Pinterest.  The possibilities are endless and after some searching I settled on this DIY Chalkboard Serving Tray.  It was super easy and fun to do and I love the finished product.  I hope it gets lots of use!

With Love,
Keri Tea

I decided on this board, 10" wide and 3' long 

Gorilla glue, Chalkboard paint and stain (Early American 
as recommended in the Pinterest instructions)
 I had the very helpful Home Depot employee cut a foot off 
the board, making my tray 2 feet long

After applying and leaving the stain on for about
10 minutes I used a paper towel to remove the excess

So happy with the stain!

After taping off the stained border I applied two coats of
Chalkboard paint

After removing the tape

With the handles that I chose, looks awesome!

All wrapped up and ready to go!

What's in a Name?

For those who might be curious as to why I have named this blog A Little Fairy Dust I thought I would explain.  There were three key influences in my brainstorming for a memorable and meaningful name.

#1: In a Reiki class a few months back the teacher, a woman who does incredible work, suggested that I “sprinkle a little sparkle dust” wherever I go.  At the time it really resonated with me.  After a difficult winter I was pretty spent.  But her suggestion stuck in my mind and I remember thinking, “that’s doable, I can leave a little sparkle wherever I go, no matter how small.”

#2: Little Bee (my son) loves the Pirate Fairy movie.  It follows Zarina, a dust-keeper fairy, whose fascination with Blue Pixie Dust gets her into some trouble.  I love to watch Little Bee get lost in this magical world.  And I can completely relate to one’s curiosity getting them into trouble here and there...more on this later.  I have included the movie trailer below in case you're curious...

#3: The journey my life has taken over the last few years has challenged me to put some thought into the meaning of it all.  I have to say, my conclusion is that there is definitely a little magic in the air and when you tap into it you sparkle like never before!

And there you have it…how I came up with A Little Fairy Dust…and I love it.  I hope you do too (but it’s okay if you don’t….cuz…well…it just is)!

With Love,
Keri Tea

Life Is Funny

Life is funny.  The way it unfolds.  Just when you think you’ve got a handle on it the next big reveal happens.  I wouldn’t change a thing!  Let me back track a little.  Almost two years ago I made the most difficult decision of my life up to that point.  After four years of marriage I came to what felt like a brick wall.  I couldn’t climb over, bust through or ignore that it was there.  I was an emotional and mental wreck.  I had lost all perspective and was unable to see a future for myself.  I couldn’t avoid it any longer.  It wasn’t pretty, many people were hurt, but I knew deep down it was the right thing to do.

The story isn’t new.  It’s been told many times before.  It was, however, all new to me.  I felt completely disoriented.  So very lost and sad, ashamed of how I was handling (or not handling) the challenges in front of me.  There was one very bright light that kept me going, a beautiful little boy.  A very wise, kind and thoughtful little boy, funny too!  He believed in me and loved me just as I am.  He offered me hope and I began to accept it.  I began to believe in my future again.  I had no idea what it would be but I knew it was there, waiting for me to grab hold of. 

I took a running start…okay at that time it was probably more of a jog…or maybe a fast walk, alright the truth is…I forced my ass off of the couch with my arms stretched as far as they could and grabbed onto the tail end of what looked to be my future, or maybe a wet fish.  It could have been a poop bag for all I knew but I grabbed it and didn’t let go.  Turns out it wasn’t a wet fish or a bag of fresh dog poop.  It was in fact the title page of my future and the best part was that I got to choose what it said and how it read.  Imagine my surprise!

Since then there have been many ups and downs along the way.  All of them lessons, some of which I was ready for and others that I wasn’t.  Many have come up again, the others I expect to meet in the future.  Do you remember the old saying, “You can run but you can’t hide”?  Yep, I believe the lessons of life to be the poster child for that adage.

Which brings me here.  12:39am on September 16, 2014.  It’s me and my computer and a nice hot cup of tea to keep me company.  And so I write…because it helps.  I’ve decided to share what I write on a blog.  Why?  For many reasons I suppose.  It’s a way to reach out, an opportunity to express myself and as scary as it might be it feels right.  My intention is to share my experiences, good, bad and everything in between.  I hope you find this space engaging, thoughtful and creative with a side of funny!  Please join me…

With Love,
Keri Tea